Coffee Cherry: What Is It & How Does It Taste?

It’s a pretty well known assumption that coffee grows on a tree, but did you realize that coffee is actually a fruit? The name bean can be quite deceiving. However, the typical roasted bean that we often associate with this caffeinated phenomenon is not the only way to look at it.

Can You Froth Almond Milk? 5 Simple Methods

If you are lactose intolerant or simply chose to cut dairy out of your diet, then chances are you are quite familiar with almond milk as your substitute drink. While frequent almond milk drinkers swear by the taste and that it is better than dairy, there is one thing that might not be possible when it comes to almond milk as a substitute: frothing. 

Can You Use Heavy Cream In Coffee?

There are so many options for cream or something to splash in with your brew, but have you ever tried adding heavy cream to coffee? There is a lot of debate about this. Some say it has to be unacceptable while some think it sounds pretty good.

What Is Blonde Roast Coffee?

If you’ve stuck around our website or coffee lovers for enough time, then you have probably heard of blonde roast coffee before. However, you might not be sure what this is or what the real difference is between standard coffee.

Cinnamon In Coffee: Why You Need to Try It!

With today’s obsession with coffee and the thousands of ways to drink it, we have mixed coffee with just about anything nowadays. Chocolate, Caramel, and even peppermint. However, have you ever tried adding cinnamon to coffee? This unique coffee flavoring is definitely worth giving a try.

How Long Should Cold Brew Steep For?

Cold brew is a beloved treat for coffee lovers. Whether you are making it yourself or in a cafe, you trust the art of who is preparing it. So what is the best cold brew steep time? 

How to Use a Stovetop Espresso Maker (Moka Pot)

Stovetop espresso makers, also known as Moka pots, offer an inexpensive way to brew quality espresso at home. They are a great alternative to bulky, expensive coffee machines.

Why Does Coffee Make Me Poop?

There’s nothing quite enjoyable than sipping on some coffee while running errands or sitting at home warming up for the day. Coffee is a great pick-me-up, caffeine-fueled beverage that starts more than just our day. For many, it also jump-starts the other end of their body! 

Why Don’t Mormons Drink Coffee

Whether you have a close friend that is Mormon, have seen Mormons in brief passing, or are a Mormon yourself, you may have noticed that Mormons do not partake in drinking coffee.

Organic Coffee vs Regular Coffee: What's The Difference?

Coffee is so well versed, it can be difficult to keep up with the surplus of options out there. However, knowing about these options is not only helpful to finding your personal preference, but helps find the healthier options for you to drink.