Can You Use Heavy Cream In Coffee?

By Admin October 27, 2021

There are so many options for cream or something to splash in with your brew, but have you ever tried adding heavy cream to coffee? There is a lot of debate about this. Some say it has to be unacceptable, while some think it sounds pretty good. Which is true? We are going to get to the bottom of this, so you don’t have to. 

If you haven’t noticed, the dairy business is getting a lot of flack right now for health concerns, dairy alternatives such as oat milk, almond milk, and even coconut milk, and the treatment of cows. However, aside from the controversy, heavy cream is one of the more extreme dairy options. This is the main reason why everyone is asking if heavy cream is even tasty in coffee. 

While taste does come down to preference 9 times out of 10, there are a large group of people that actually argue that heavy whipping cream in coffee is quite tasty. Mixed with the texture and consistency it brings to your brew, some swear by this as their perfect pair. 

Pros and Cons

So what are the pros and cons of giving coffee with heavy cream a try? Here are the main ones: 



1. Texture

Heavy cream is… well, heavy. That being said, it changes the texture of your coffee, no matter which style you choose. If you are frothing your heavy cream, then be prepared for a drastic difference from your average foam. 

If you are simply adding it in straight, then you still will have a thicker consistency. This might be a bit surprising upfront, but it can be a new favorite component of your drink, so don’t knock it until you try it! 

2. Flavor

As we said, the flavor is unique. It has a bigger impact than standard milk options which could be a huge plus if you are looking for something intense and different. If you like heavy cream outside of coffee drinking, then you will most likely enjoy it when added to your favorite source of caffeine. 

3. More Filling

Let’s face it. We all have been guilty of substituting coffee with a meal. While this is not a good practice, it is something to note that heavy cream helps make your breakfast also known as a cup of joe a bit more filling to hold you over. 



1. Lots of Fat

While all fat is not bad fat, there is a lot more fat in heavy cream than in other dairy options. That is why it can be a health concern if overused. Luckily, healthy fats do have a few good effects such as aiding your gastric health, so it isn’t all bad! Just be mindful of the extra calories that you are adding to your morning cup when you make the switch to heavy cream. 

2. Better in Small Portions

Because of the extra fat as well as the filling component of heavy cream, it is better to drink in smaller portions. If you are like most of us, one cup of coffee a day sounds just about impossible. That being said, if you choose heavy cream as your preferred dairy to mix with it, then you are going to overindulge and wind up feeling overly full and bogged down with calories. 

If you want to find good middle ground, consider trying heavy cream for one cup and then trying another dairy option for your other cups. This makes your coffee with heavy cream a treat rather than a huge habit. 

3. Intense

If you don’t like anything crazy in your coffee, then heavy cream is not the option for you. It is nothing short of intense. This is why you love it or hate it, and a good bunch end up with the latter. However, it is always worth trying something once, so don’t let your fear keep you from giving it a shot. You might just end on the side of love despite your weariness. 


Heavy cream in coffee has some solid points leaning in both directions, but as an overall takeaway, it’s a possibility for creamers. Just be sure to weigh out your personal pros and cons when deciding if you want to make it a normal occurrence.