How Long Should Cold Brew Steep For?

By Admin October 27, 2021

Cold-brew is a beloved treat for coffee lovers. Whether you are making it yourself or in a cafe, you trust the art of who is preparing it. So what is the best cold brew steep time? We are going to share all of the best-kept secrets of the art of perfecting cold brew. 

Finding the perfect amount of brewing time can be tricky. Stop too early, and you don’t have strong enough flavor. Stop too late, and you have a very bitter brew. So what is that middle ground? The answer takes a bit of explanation on cold brewing and the steeping process. 

There are two ways of steeping cold brew, and each option has a bit different brewing time. This is why some people get it wrong when they look up a short answer for brewing time. So, before you decide on how long to let it steep, you need to decide on a brewing method.

Brewing Method

The two common methods are immersion and drip. As you might imagine, immersion brewing lets the ground immerse in the water to steep while drip lets the water drip through the grounds to create your brew.  Immersion has a tad longer cold brew steep time than drip, and most coffee snobs will point you in this direction, as you get a more flavorful cup of cold brew. 

The average time for this option is 18 hours. This gives the beans enough time to fully steep and gets the full flavor without teetering over into bitter grounds. There are a few different ways to accomplish the immersion method. A french press machine or a mason jar are the two most common options, but there the possibilities of tools are endless. 

All you need is water, grounds, and something to hold them in. Be sure when you are pouring the cold brew out, however, that you have a good strainer. A mouthful of coffee grounds is not pleasant for anyone. There are loads of stainer options and alternatives. Some work better than others especially if you have fine grounds. 

The drip method is a bit shorter for cold brew steep time at 8 to 12 hours. While this method is quicker, there is less flavor from the grounds. The water will run over the grounds into a container below, catching the mixture. This is a great option if you are low on time, but really need your kick of caffeine for the day. However, you will need a cold brew machine specifically for this use, so check out one of these options if you’re interested in this option. 

Cold Brew Perks

Now that we know about how to steep cold brew properly, let’s talk about the perks of choosing cold brew over other options. The biggest perk of cold brew over other brewing is the flavor. Cold-brew is naturally sweeter and doesn’t have the harsh bitterness that many brewing options are known for. If you have a sweet tooth but don’t want to load down your cup with sweetener, then you will love cold brew for your daily cup of joe. 

Cold-brew also is made cold, hence the name, so if you are a fan of iced coffee over hot, then this will be a better fit for you. It also doesn’t get watered down like other options, as it already is a watered-down version of grounds. This means that you can add ice without worrying. 

Lastly, it is easy to make and doesn’t take any electricity. If you are looking for a coffee option for life on the road, camping, or a dorm room with not much space, this is easy and takes little materials. Perfect for a last-minute packing addition. 


So there you have it. You can choose the slower cold brew steeping option for a more full and intense flavor, or the shorter option if you are in a bind and get a bit less oomph. Now that you are a cold brew expert, give it a try yourself and see which method works better for you. Be sure to drink it up within the week to prevent it from going bad. We want to enjoy each sip of our caffeinated goodness!