French Press vs. Espresso: What's The Difference?

French Press and Espresso coffee are relatively known by most coffee drinkers, but most would be shocked by the amount of people that don’t truly understand the difference. If you fall in that category, there is nothing to be ashamed of.

Cold Brew vs. Iced Coffee: What’s The Difference?

If you are a cold coffee drinker, chances are you’ve already experimented with cold brew or iced coffee beverages. If you haven’t tried them both, you may be curious to learn the difference between them. After all, they are both cool and caffeinated pick-me-ups made with ice.

Flat White vs. Latte: What's The Difference?

Flat Whites and Lattes. Both of these drinks are staples in the coffee drinking space. Their plethora of flavors and styles draw in coffee drinkers of all kinds. While some of us might be more knowledgeable of one over the other, many are still asking, “Do we truly know the difference between the two?”

5 Reasons Why Caffeine Doesn’t Affect You

Caffeine has been known to be the answer to many people’s morning drag or that extra push to get them through a late night, but are you one of the people this doesn’t work for?

Bat Poop Coffee: All You Need to Know

Poop Coffee. Yes, it exists. Not only does it exist, but poop coffee has become more popular than ever in recent years.

Instant Coffee vs Ground Coffee: What’s The Difference?

With so many coffee lovers in our world today,  it is important to recognize not all coffee lovers are the same. Quite the opposite, actually.

Pour Over vs Drip Coffee: Everything You Need to Know

Pour over and drip coffee are loved by many coffee enthusiasts, but what’s the difference between the two?

How To Make Instant Coffee Powder at Home

Before you start to get worried, unlike most types of coffee making today, you don’t need a fancy machine or even fancy coffee beans. In fact, all you need are your choice of coffee beans, a bowl, a coffee grinder, and a sifter

Eating Coffee Beans: All You Need to Know

Maybe you have heard of a friend eating roasted coffee beans as a quick treat and finding it a little over the top. We are here to tell you it is more normal than you think, and you shouldn’t discard the idea until you’ve tried it yourself!

Fresh Ground Coffee vs Pre-Ground: What’s the Difference?

You may have heard that fresh ground coffee beats pre-ground every time in terms of quality, smell, and taste. However, how much of this is true?