How to Reset Keurig Coffee Makers

By Admin March 4, 2022

Keurig coffee makers are some of the top-selling brewing appliances. They’re convenient, easy to use, and brew individual cups at the touch of a button. But just like any gadget, Keurigs can also malfunction. 

If your Keurig is experiencing technical issues, it may be time to reset its internal computer. Some problems that require a reset include the machine not turning on, a frozen display, or a loss of power during the brew cycle.

You’ve probably noticed by now that Keurig reset buttons aren’t a thing. This makes the process trickier (but nothing you can’t handle!). All you need is your K-machine and about an hour of your time.

Read on to learn how to reset your Keurig coffee maker whether you have a 1.0 or 2.0 brewer. 

Resetting Keurig 1.0 Models

You don’t need any special tools when resetting Keurig 1.0 models. All you need is the machine itself and about two hours of your time. Follow these 4 simple steps to reset your Keurig: 

  1. Open and close the lever. Let’s say something happened during the brewing process, and the brew cycle was interrupted, causing your K-machine to stop working. Opening and closing the level will reset it, getting you back on your way to brewing quality coffee.
  2. Turn off and unplug. Suppose the brew cycle isn’t the issue. You’ll then want to power off your machine. Unplug it from the wall and let it sit for an hour. 
  3. Remove the water reservoir. If your machine has a removable water tank, take it off and let your device sit for an additional half-hour. 
  4. Reassemble the machine. Now you’ll want to reattach the water tank and plug your device back in. Push the start button, and it should start working back to normal again.

If these steps don’t successfully reset your Keurig, it’s time to check your warranty and contact customer support. Let’s hope this isn’t the case, but there may be an underlying issue that’s causing your device to malfunction. 

Resetting Keurig 2.0 Models 

If you’re using a 2.0 model, you’ll need to try out some additional steps. These models are more complicated since they have additional features and displays. This makes them a little more challenging to reset, but nothing you can’t handle! 

Here are 3 ways to reset your Keurig 2.0: 

1. Check Your Settings 

If your appliance has a digital display, look through the menu for any settings that seem off. For instance, if your coffee maker is turning off randomly, it may be the case of an auto-off feature that’s enabled. Check the energy-saving settings to fix.

2. Get Rid of Air Bubbles

Your machine may have an air bubble disrupting its water flow. To fix this, unplug your machine and remove the water reservoir (if possible). Hold the brewer upside down over your sink and tap it firmly on the side. This will dislodge any bubbles present in its tubes.

3. Reset the Display 

If your display is malfunctioning or not working at all, unplug your machine. Wait a minute before plugging it back in, and then turn the brewer back on. Open the menu, set the clock, and adjust your preferences. Return to the main screen and then open and close the brewer lever. This should do the trick.

Additional Tips 

Regardless of the model that you own, descaling your coffee machine every 6 months will help keep it in tip-top shape. You can descale it by filling it up with a Keurig descaling solution or white vinegar and starting a brew cycle. You can access a complete guide on how to descale your Keurig here.

Final Thoughts 

That’s it! Your Keurig 1.0 or 2.0 model should be fully reset. If you continue to have issues, it’s time to contact Keurig’s customer support team. It may be a matter of your Keurig machine being old and needing replacement. If you’ve had your machine for over 5 years, this is likely the case, especially if you use it on the regular. 

Either way, a hard reset may be the solution to several Keurig problems. And while you’re at it, unplug your Keurig and descale it! This will remove all the buildup in your machine. Not only is this an excellent maintenance tip, but it also leads to fresher, better tasting coffee.