How To Remove Rust From Coffee Maker Hot Plate

By Admin March 4, 2022

Coffee Makers are resilient. If you’ve ever looked through your grandparents’ cabinets, there’s a big chance that you’ll find a coffee maker from the 80’s or before still going strong. That being said, while old coffee machines last for quite a while, there can be some rust buildup that is pretty persistent. When this happens, many worry it’s time to toss out the machine. However, this is not always the case. There are ways to keep your machine alive. 

Today, we are going to explain how to remove rust from a coffee maker hot plate so your family’s old coffee machine can live to see another day. This is also a helpful hack to have on stand when your newer and fancier options build up rust in the next few years. Let’s jump in!


Preventing a crisis is always better than fixing one. That being said, preventing rust is much more efficient and easier in the long run than removing rust. So how does prevention work?  The biggest components to help prevent rusting are consistency. It is crucial to clean your machine after every use. Yes, we realize this can be a bit of a pain on hectic mornings, but implementing this step into your daily routine is the most helpful way to prevent rusting and keep your machine working at its best overall. 

Cleaning your machine also includes drying the machine off afterwards. Water is a breeding ground for rust as well as mold and other issues, so give your machine a quick pat down to ensure this doesn’t happen. Be sure there is no water left in the machine or dripping onto the hot plate also. This will make loads of difference in the length of time before rust build up 


So what if your machine already has rust by the time you get around to this article? Don’t get too upset, there is still redemption to be had. There are a few different options to try removing coffee maker hot plate rust. Here are the most effective options we recommend : 

1. White Vinegar

White vinegar is the magic solution for most cleaning needs, and rust is no exception. If you are going to try this method, you will need to soak a cloth in white vinegar and let it sit on top of the hot plate. However, before you start, be sure to unplug the machine. Like anytime you wash a coffee maker, unplugging is crucial to prevent anyone getting electrocuted or messing up the machine. Over time, the acidity in the vinegar will begin to remove the rust. After you’ve let it sit for enough time, you can wipe away any debris and rust left to finish. Simple enough? The biggest benefit of this option is that you most likely already have this in your home for other cleaning needs, so you don’t need to go out of your way to find supplies. 

2. Aluminum Foil

Another cheap and common supply that can get the job done is aluminum foil. The application is quite different from vinegar, as you will be using the aluminum foil as a scraper in a sense. Grab a strip and wet it well. Roll it into a ball and get the scrubbing. The best part of this option is that the chemical reaction helps prevent scratches on the hot plate. 

Dip the foil back into water as needed. When you think all of the rust has been scraped away enough, grab a sponge and some soapy water and remove the leftover debris. Voila! A good as new hot plate on your favorite coffee maker. 

3. Oxalic Acid

Lastly, oxalic acid is another option similar to white vinegar. It is a lot stronger than vinegar, however. Be sure to water it down with a 1 to 9 ratio with water to prevent too strong of an acidic reaction with the hot plate. 

Let the mix sit on your plate for around 30 minutes. Afterwards, wipe away the excess with a rag. If you aren’t satisfied with the results, you can repeat the process once more to get a fully clean machine. Depending on your preferred cleaning supplies, many have this in their home as well, so it may be an easier solution for you. 

Final Thoughts

Now that you are equipped with prevention and removing rust, you can revive all of your machines moving forward. However, be sure to keep prevention at the forefront of your mind! Just because you know how to fix something, doesn’t mean you should wait until you have to!