How To Clean a Coffee Maker With Apple Cider Vinegar

By Admin December 30, 2021

Coffee makers often get overlooked in the cleaning department due to their hot water that frequents through the machine on a regular basis. However, cleaning a coffee machine is vital to keeping your coffee tasting good and your machine is tip-top shape. 

There are lots of ways to clean a coffee machine, but can you clean a coffee maker with apple cider vinegar? The answer is yes, and it can be quite effective for removing any grime and potential mold that can accumulate if left unattended. 

Why Apple Cider Vinegar

So why is apple cider vinegar a good ingredient for proper cleaning? A few reasons. This is a natural product, so there is less concern of heavy chemicals especially considering this is for a machine that is brewing up tasty grounds for you and your friends and family to sip on. 

It also is a simple process for cleaning which is great for those of us who lean a bit more to the lazy side when it comes to the upkeep of our belongings. On the same line of laziness, it’s a great backup plan if you run out of the most common cleaning supply: white vinegar. 

Apple cider vinegar has loads of benefits including speeding up your metabolism, removing odor, cooking, and cleaning like we are discussing today. That being said, there is a likelihood that you have this in your home for another use, so you can grab it when you are in a pinch or don’t feel like running to the store to pick up your normal cleaner.  

Step by Step

So how do you use apple cider vinegar to clean a coffee maker? Depending on the style of machine, there might need to be a tad variation to fit yours specifically, but the concept remains the same. Here is our step by step guide: 

1. Gather Supplies

You will need a few items to complete your cleaning: apple cider vinegar, of course, a sponge, a wet dish towel and dry dish towel, hot water, and soap. Be sure you have each of these on hand before you begin. 

2. Empty the Machine

First and foremost, you will need to remove any water, milk, or coffee grounds that may be in the machine. Pull out the water reservoir and portafilter to ensure that there is nothing inside the machine. We are going to be doing a false brewing in a minute, and the last thing we want is an apple cider vinegar cup of joe

3. Water and Apple Cider Vinegar

Mix your water and apple cider vinegar evenly and pour it inside the water reservoir. It is important to dilute the apple cider vinegar to ensure it doesn’t overload the machine and to prevent waste. After all, apple cider vinegar is a bit more pricey than white vinegar or other cleaning options. 

4. Run a Half Cycle

Running a half cycle is great to warm up the machine, let the solution begin working its way through to break up any hardened debris, decalcify the inside, and loosen up any other less than pleasant remnants festering on the inside of the machine. Pause the cycle before it begins dispensing out the solution, and let it sit for an hour to ensure it is fully broken up. 

5. Run a Full Cycle

After the machine has set, it’s time to run a full cycle. Sit a cup or a pot under the machine to catch the “brewed” solution after it works its way through the machine. This should move any of the debris that has been broken up from the previous step into the pot or cup and out of the machine. Let the machine empty fully and throw the leftover solution away. Trust us, you don’t want to be drinking that mix. 

6. Add Fresh Water

Add fresh water into the water reservoir and run a full cycle. This will help remove any leftover apple cider vinegar to prevent a less than tasty treat next time you brew a cup of coffee. You may want to repeat this step a few times as apple cider vinegar is known to linger more than white vinegar or other options. Make sure there is no trace leftover. It has a very intense flavor that we are pretty sure you will not be a fan of. 

7. Sudsy Rinse

Grab your sponge. Wet it with hot water, and add some soap. Wipe down the exterior of the machine, getting any dried coffee or leftover grime that has been stuck on. This should be a practice you incorporate every day or every other day at least. Put your back into it for the first wipe down, and give a gentle rinse moving forward to ensure it doesn’t get to that state again.  

Voila! You are all finished! Next time your machine is in need of a clean, you can trust that you know plenty of ways to keep it clean and ready to use.