How to Make Your Coffee Better With 6 Simple Tricks

By Admin December 31, 2021

Coffee is amazing – there’s no doubt about it. But what if we told you there are ways to make coffee taste even better? If you’re someone who can’t seem to master your homemade cups of joe or perhaps are looking for something new, this guide is for you.

Read on to learn how to make coffee taste better with 6 simple tricks.

1. Clean Your Coffee Maker

This is one of the most important tips, yet one that seems most often overlooked. If you want to brew great tasting java, you need to be using a clean coffee maker. This means your machine is free of leftover grounds or stale water. If your java is tasting sour, this may be the culprit! 

Another great reason to clean your java appliance regularly is to prevent the growth of mold. Water is mold’s favorite place to grow, so it makes sense that it would want to nestle in your coffee machine. If you think your machine already has mold growing within it, check out this guide on covering how to clean mold in a coffee maker.

2. Use Cold, Filtered Water

Sounds contradictory, right? While you want a hot brew, using cold water starting out will give you a better cup of joe. Trust us! Next time you’re in your kitchen making yourself some coffee, use refrigerated water. Your coffee machine will warm it up to the right temperature for you.

Also, if you’re using tap water, you may want to reconsider. Tap water contains chemicals like chlorine and fluoride. Chances are these chemicals will alter the taste of your brew. Instead, use filtered water to get these chemicals out of your brew and enjoy the best tasting cup possible. 

3. Check Your Temperatures 

If you’re boiling your own water, make sure it’s between 194℉ and 206℉. To make this process easy, invest in a quality thermometer. If using your beloved drip coffee machine that heats the water for you, make sure it’s heating it to the proper temperature. If it’s not, it’s time to adjust the settings or replace your machine altogether. 

3. Always Use Fresh Beans 

Have your coffee beans gone stale? If the freshness of your beans isn’t up to speed, don’t use them. Store them properly to avoid them going bad ahead of time. To do so, keep your coffee in an airtight container, away from the sun, and at room temperature.

If your coffee beans are too old to use, consider using them in different ways. They can be used as a natural fertilizer for plants or to add a pleasant aroma to your home through the use of a coffee candle. There are so many different ways to use old coffee beans.

4. Add the Right Sweeteners 

One of the most popular ways to improve the taste of our brews is by adding cream and sugar. However, there are other ways to make coffee taste better that doesn’t involve adding sugar. 

Here are some healthy sweeteners that will make your brew taste much better:

  • Cinnamon. This spice has fewer calories than sugar and several health benefits. It’s antibacterial, antifungal, supports gut health, manages blood pressure, and more! 
  • Almond Milk. Adding some almond milk to your brew will give you a creamy texture with a hint of sweetness. Don’t like almond milk? Try soy or coconut milk! 
  • Salt. You may not have expected this one, but salt can actually accentuate the sweet flavors of your brew. 
  • Honey. High in antioxidants, honey strengthens the immune system while adding sweetness to your cup.
  • Vanilla Extract. Adding 2-3 drops of vanilla is plenty to give your cup a sweet, yet rich flavor. Play around with the amount until you find the right amount for you.
  • Maple Syrup. This ingredient offers a smooth taste that compliments coffee flavors. It’s rich in minerals like zinc and calcium and is especially great for iced beverages since you won’t need to dissolve the sugar beforehand.

5. Use Coffee Ice Cubes 

Have leftover coffee? Instead of throwing it out, pour it into an ice cube tray. Freeze it and then use it for your iced beverages. The best part about this hack is that as the cubes melt your brew won’t be watered down. It will only add to the richness of your cup of joe.

Enjoy Better Coffee Today! 

Waking up in the morning only to be greeted by bitter coffee is not ideal. However, drinking amazing brews every day is made possible with these easy methods. Whether it’s keeping your java appliance clean, using fresh beans, or adding the right sweeteners, these tips offer a sure-fire way to achieve great-tasting coffee.