Ristretto vs. Long Shot: What’s the Difference?

By Admin January 29, 2022

Welcome back fellow coffee enthusiasts. Today, we are diving into yet another variation of the beloved java beverage. We are talking about a ristretto vs. a long shot. What’s the difference? What’s the similarities? What are some reasons why people prefer one over the other? We are answering all of these questions and more so that you can make an educated decision next time you are in the mood for a cup of joe. 


First and foremost, let’s get a bit of the backstory of a long shot vs. ristretto. What is a ristretto? What is a long shot? To explain this well, we have to give a bit of backstory on espresso brewing. Hopefully, each of us has heard of espresso before. This style of brewing uses espresso grounds to create a highly condensed, caffeinated caffeine shot beverage that is mixed loads of ways with milk and even water to create unique beverages. 


A ristretto is one of these many variations, but specifically a variation of how to pull an espresso shot. This shortens the amount of water run through the espresso grounds. We’re talking 15 to 20 seconds short.  This means a ristretto is stronger than an average espresso. It is not a drink for the weak. If you think a standard espresso shot is too much then you definitely will not be fond of a ristretto. 

However, against first assumption, a ristretto is much sweeter and lacks the bitterness associated with espresso shots. Since the shot isn’t diluted down with as much water, the extraction creates a sweet and velvety alternative. 

So let’s talk about how this works. When extracted from grounds, different components of a drink are extracted at different times. In this case, acidity and sweetness are extracted first, followed by bitterness. However, if you stop the extraction process before you get around the bitterness, you get a ristretto made up of only sweet and acidic flavors. 

Long Shot

A long shot, also known as a lungo, is another variation of the well known espresso drink. However, instead of lowering the amount of water, this variation uses more. Think of this as the opposite of a Ristretto. Instead of pulling only a few components out of the coffee, a long shot pulls everything there is to give out of the grounds. This allows for your specific espresso beans to shine through. This also means it is crucial to find a style that you like, since the flavor is going to come down to the roast and style. However, the flavor of the beans are overrun by the excess amount of water in order to keep the ratio the same. 

Many confuse this with a double shot of espresso. However, the way this is brewed is the crucial differentiator. A double shot is a 1:2 ratio of grounds to water made twice while a long shot is 1:3 ratio poured once. This means a double shot is much less diluted and has the extra kick of espresso to get you through the day. 

Ristretto vs Long Shot

So to compare the two, there are some key components to know the difference between a ristretto and a long shot. The best way to know what you’re going to drink will be simply to try them. However, there are a few characteristics that will be good to know in steering you in one direction over the other: 

1. Sweet 

If you’re a fan of sweet and fruity tones and tend to steer clear of bitter drinks, then ristretto is the way to go. Keep your pallet light and tasteful. 

2. Strong

Following suit, if you’re looking for more espresso and strength, then ristretto is still the best option to try. Because of the lower water ratio, there will be more strength. However, keep in mind the drink will be smaller in amount, but don’t get too worried. Big things come in small packages. 

3. Diluted

If you are a little scared of intensity or just before a diluted drink option such as an Americano, then you might want to try a long shot. This gives you a lot of drink to get your caffeine kick in without having too much at once. 

4. Full

On the same spectrum, if you prefer an overall full flavor, then a long shot is a great option. This shows you the full characteristics of your specific grounds. While it is still diluted, you get a well rounded beverage to please your taste buds. 

5. Simple

Lastly, if you are looking for something simple and familiar, perhaps stick to the classic espresso shot. This is a happy medium between a ristretto vs long shot caffeine and flavor. Can’t go wrong sticking to a classic.