Maple Syrup In Coffee: Worth a Shot?

By Admin November 4, 2021
Maple syrup has many uses. The perfect addition to pancakes. A Canadian classic. However, maple syrup in coffee is a new take that many might not have heard before. So how would this strange combination pan out? That is what we are here to talk about, so you can have all the information to decide if you want to try coffee with maple syrup for your morning pick me up.  So what is the big pull to maple syrup over other sweeteners? First, we need to point out a detail that often gets overlooked. Lots of times, maple syrup as we know it is not the authentic, natural version. Quite the opposite, most syrups whether that be “maple” or corn syrups have loads of artificial additives and unhealthy qualities. 
Maple Syrup In Coffee

When this is the case, it is not natural maple syrup. It is most likely a corn syrup or sugar with maple flavoring. Big difference. This is what will make the difference when it comes to the health benefits of choosing maple syrup over sugar to sweeten your cup of joe. All-natural options are a lot better for you than the sweeteners we all know and love. 

So, moving forward, when we reference maple syrup, we are talking about all-natural options, not the store-bought sweetener packed with unhealthy consequences attached. Not only is maple syrup just not bad for you, it actually can be good for you because of the healthy calories it has. 

Here’s a quick list of some of the beneficial components it can give you that cannot be said the same for sugar options: phenolics, a form of antioxidants found in berries, zinc, potassium, manganese, thiamine, calcium, iron, magnesium, and riboflavin. A mouthful, we know, but the big takeaway is there is a lot of substance and helpful components of this choice of sweetener. 

So why is sugar so bad for you? Great question. Sugar is made up of disaccharides, which take longer to break down in the body. Hence why it is the ultimate enemy for those trying to lose weight since it can be so difficult to break down. Sugar is all about the extremes. It gives your body an extreme high in flavor and molecularly, then follows with an extreme low. 

Luckily, maple syrup does not fall into this same category. It is relatively easy to break down in your body and doesn’t fall under the empty calories category, hence why it has become a popular substitute. 

How Does it Taste?

So, we’ve established how it is better for you healthwise, but for most of the world, the flavor is the most important factor. Luckily, this is also an area where maple syrup shines. There’s no fooling anyone that it is going to give a different flavor to your coffee than you’re used to. 

If you’re an avid maple syrup user, you know that it has a unique taste. Pairing this with coffee makes for a distinct aftertaste that can be a bit polarizing. However, finding the best bean combination can help the aftertaste subside, so don’t be afraid to experiment with roasts and types of beans. 

You can also add in a splash of milk or milk substitute to give it a bit less intense flavor. If you are looking to try maple syrup for health reasons, we recommend finding a milk substitute that will be a bit better for you. A little goes a long way, so just add a splash. 

Another positive part about maple syrups is that it dissolves fast in the heat. If you’ve ever tried honey or another thick consistency, then you are familiar with getting a giant swig of pure sweetness and the rest of the cup tasting bitter. This won’t be the case with maple syrup, thankfully. However, you can add it to iced coffee as well. Just keep in mind iced coffee might take a bit more stirring to disperse evenly. 


We think everyone should be willing to try anything once. Who knows? This might be your all-time favorite pairing for your caffeine shot moving forward. Anytime we can cut out sugar and still keep the beloved brew that gets us going, we are on board. Hopefully, you will feel the same!