Magic Coffee: What is It and How Do I Make It?

By Admin December 31, 2021

Bored with your usual cup of joe? If you’re looking for a way to spice things up, consider magic coffee – a delicious Australian drink that originates from Melbourne. Where does the name come from? How did it get this name? We had the same questions when we were first introduced to magic coffee.

Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about this drink, followed by a magic coffee recipe. 

What is Magic Coffee? 

Magic coffee originated in Melbourne, Australia. In fact, it’s rare to find this beverage on menus outside of Melbourne. If a cafe offers it, they make it a secret menu item consisting of a double ristretto and silky milk. 

It’s important not to confuse Melbourne’s magic coffee for magical coffee recipes that contain cold brew java, brown sugar, and cinnamon. It’s also not the same drink as magic weight-loss coffee, which in our opinion, is a scam. Authentic magic java consists of a double ristretto and silky milk – it’s that simple!

What’s a Double Ristretto?

A double ristretto is a type of espresso. It’s made using the same amount of coffee grounds you usually would for espresso, except less water is pushed through them. This makes ristretto a sweeter, less bitter version of espresso. Using ristretto, as opposed to espresso, is an Australian coffee trademark. Pairing this with silky milk is what makes magic java. 

What’s Silky Milk?

Silky milk is textured milk caused by steaming the milk long enough to create a small layer of microfoam on the surface. 

Unless you’ve been in Australia at some point in your life, you probably have never heard of this beverage. It’s actually a secret menu item and won’t be offered unless you ask for one. Don’t have a local cafe that offers magical coffee? No worries. We’ll cover how to make one in the comfort of your kitchen next! 

How to Make Magic Coffee

To nail down magic coffee, you need to have the correct amounts of both milk and espresso. Here is a step-by-step guide on making the perfect cup of magical coffee. 

1. Make a Double Ristretto 

You’ll need 30 ml of delicious java. Begin by making a double ristretto using your espresso machine. You’ll want to pull two shots of espresso to make a double ristretto. However, to achieve this drink, you’ll need to halt the extraction process sooner than normal allowing less water to pass through the grounds. For instance, if you pull a shot of espresso for 25 seconds, stop it at 15 seconds.

2. Steam Your Milk 

Next, you’ll need 130 ml of silky milk made by steaming your milk. Keep in mind you don’t want to make too much microfoam, and you also don’t want the milk to be piping hot – otherwise, it’s going to be difficult to drink. 

3. Mix Together

The final step to making a delicious cup of java, is combining the ristretto and silky milk. Pour your ristretto into a 160 ml cup, and then add the steamed milk. This is the optimum coffee to milk ratio for this beverage. As you experiment with this drink, feel free to play around with the coffee and milk ratio. Too sweet? Add more java. Too bitter? You need more milk.  

Once you’ve nailed down this secret menu item, all that’s left to do is enjoy!

Magic Coffee VS Piccolo 

Ever tried a piccolo? If so, you probably think it’s basically a magic coffee. However, there is a notable difference between the two. The biggest difference between both drinks is that a piccolo only uses a single shot of java, making a piccolo taste stronger than magic coffee. Magic has a more balanced flavor because of the silky milk component. This means if you’re looking for a strong yet sweet flavor, opt for a magic.

The Takeaway

This brings us to the end of this quick magic coffee guide. The best part? You don’t need to go all the way to Melbourne to enjoy magical java. Try it in the comfort of your home by following the simple magic coffee recipe above which only includes two main ingredients: a double ristretto and silky milk. You’ll notice the taste is very smooth and can be drunk quickly. It will be your go-to pick me up in the mornings in no time!