How To Make Tea in a Coffee Maker

By Admin December 30, 2021

Tea is often overlooked in today’s world with so many that are coffee obsessed even with their dying breath. However there are a few die hard tea lovers out there still holding on. For those in the minority of tea drinking or not huge java fans, what happens when you are craving a comforting cup of tea, but don’t have anything to make it in? Can you make tea in a coffee maker? We are going to get to the bottom of this alternative. 

First and foremost, when would you need to brew tea in a coffee maker? Is this a scenario that is so rare we shouldn’t even be talking about it? Actually, there are a lot of benefits from making tea in a coffee pot. 

Benefits of Using a Coffee Maker

It’s always a good idea to condense supplies in your kitchen to prevent overcrowding and keep a minimal and happy environment to craft tasty meals and your favorite beverages. That being said, anytime you can use a machine for more than one purpose, we think it’s a great plan. Whether you have a small kitchen in vital need of downsizing appliances or simply want your large kitchen to feel large by keeping it clean and as empty as possible, this is a great way to help reach that goal. 

Also, a coffee maker can keep your drink warm for hours, so if you have a house full of tea lovers, then this is the perfect answer to your late or early risers that don’t want to brew multiple batches of tea. Nothing is worse than getting excited for your morning pick me up, taking a huge sip, and realizing it is lukewarm if not cold already. Make this a struggle of the past and try a coffee maker tea brewing. 

Lastly, a coffee machine brews a decent amount of tea opposed to the individual mug option. If you have a unique home with a household full of tea lovers, then you are going to need a better option than individual mug servings, hence the coffee pot. It also is less wasteful for teabags and keeping the dishes to a minimum. Only wash the carafe and the mugs that you end up using rather than a load of mugs for individual use. 

Step by Step

Now that we know the reasons why a coffee maker would be optimal for making tea, we can talk about how to brew tea in a coffee maker:

1. FIll the Glass Carafe

Assuming you are using a standard drip coffee maker, each of these instructions will apply. First and foremost, like you would in a coffee maker, fill up the glass carafe with water. This is the most crucial ingredient in any hot beverage, but especially tea. Tea experts alike will vow that boiling water and the way it is used is the most important component of a tea’s flavor. 

2. Clean the Filter

Now, as a precaution, remove the filter and clear out any remnants of debris to ensure that your next batch of drink has the best possible flavor. After all, keeping your machine clean and in tip top shape is the best way to ensure that your morning sips have the flavor you know and love. 

3. Grab your Tea

The most important decision of all, choose your favorite flavor to brew in the machine. You will only need one teabag luckily, so you can make an entire batch last for quite some time. This is great for those who need a little to last a long way which seems to be most of us. 

Add the teabag to the filter basket and slide the filter back into its compartment. Insert the carafe filled with water. Start the brew cycle and viola! Your warm beverage will be brewed and ready to drink in no time. Simple enough? 


While this method isn’t complicated, it definitely is an option that many do not realize. Now that you know this quick and helpful trick, you can start minimizing your kitchen, pulling people away from coffee for a bit, and moving them towards tea for a change. Make every morning a tea morning for your home and have a fresh full batch of hot tea waiting for everyone as they wake.