How To Make Café Bustelo at Home

By Admin December 30, 2021

If you are well versed in the world of coffee brands in the slightest, then you have heard of Café Bustelo. These espresso coffee grounds are quite popular. This Cuban brand offers an alternative way to try espresso similar to a coffee ground making process. It uses very finely ground espresso grounds to provide a way to brew espresso without a espresso maker that most are familiar with. 

So when is this used and how is it used? Café Bustelo is a great option for those who do not have an espresso maker at home, but would still like to have an espresso beverage without spending the time and money waiting in line at the local cafe. It can also offer a bit of a change of flavor if you are running low on drive for your morning caffeine because of repetition or lack of flavor. 

Want to give this a try? Let’s talk about how to make Café Bustelo and the biggest tips and tricks on perfecting this for home espresso making: 

Step by Step

First things first, let’s get all of our supplies. As far as machines go, you can use a standard drip coffee maker to complete the job which is great for those who run low on home coffee appliances since this is one of the most common home items. Second, you will need a basket coffee filter. Next, you will need Café Bustelo as one might assume as well as cold filtered water. There you have it! You are all set as far as supplies go and ready to get started!

1. Water Reservoir 

First and foremost, add the cold filtered water to your water reservoir. This is standard for any drip coffee brewer, so it won’t be anything out of the ordinary from your typical routine. However, be sure to keep your proportions in mind. The recommended water portion is six ounces of water for every tablespoon of grounds. 

2. Add the Basket

Next add a #4 baskets into the filter. This is where your grounds will go. Spread out one tablespoon of Café Bustelo well. If you are planning on making more coffee, then you will need to do the math to even out the water and ground ratio. Don’t forget this crucial step or you could end up with a mouthful of grounds rather than a flavorful sip of smooth espresso. 

3. Brew it Up

Now that we have finished all the necessary prep, it’s time to start brewing just like normal. Begin the brew and watch your grounds transform into velvety goodness we all know as espresso. This should take just a few minutes, depending on the style of drip coffee machine you have to complete as well as the amount of espresso you are making. 

4. Enjoy your Espresso

Voila! Your drink is finished and ready to be sipped on. Be sure to keep in mind that this is espresso, not coffee. This is not something that you chug and pour into a giant glass by itself. This is potent, like a typical espresso would be. You can either grab a small cup to sip on or mix the espresso with milk to help tame the intensity a bit. Whatever your preferred method is, you now have a suitable option that can help your fix when you are craving an espresso but not the hassle and cost that comes along with it. 

Tips and Tricks

Be mindful that while this does make espresso, it is made in an unconventional way than we are used to, so the espresso won’t have the exact flavor and style that an espresso machine would make. However, it can still give you a similar flavor. 

You can also make this with other forms of coffee makers such as a pour over or stovetop espresso make if this sounds like a better option or you like the outcome better. Just remember to alter the instructions to fit your machine and keep the portions correct to get the best results. You can also alter the water and ground ratio a tad if you think the espresso is too strong or too milk. Remember small changes make a huge difference, so don’t go crazy on taking away or adding water.