How to Make Bulletproof Coffee at Home Without a Blender

By Admin December 6, 2021

Bulletproof coffee is a well-loved option for a breakfast meal that combines your love for a brew. The key component to this drink is blending the ingredients together in a blender to create the perfect mixture that gives you the kick you need in the morning, but what about if you don’t have a blender on hand? 

Don’t worry. You can still find a way to get your bulletproof coffee fix in for the day. We are going to show how to make bulletproof coffee without a blender with a few substitute options that make this drink option a tad more accessible. 

What is Bulletproof Coffee? 

First and foremost, let’s dive into what bulletproof coffee is to give those new to this drink a bit of background. Bulletproof coffee is a high-calorie breakfast option that is made up of filling ingredients to give you an actual breakfast coffee substitute that won’t leave filling loads of regret in a few hours. Here are the ingredients: 

  • 2 cups of coffee
  • 2 tablespoons of grass-fed, unsalted butter
  • 1–2 tablespoons of MCT oil mixed in a blender

That’s all there is to it! Three ingredients that create a tasty treat that will transform your morning cup of joe routine.  Simple and suitable to get your stomach full!

Blender Substitute Options

Making bulletproof, also known as butter, coffee without a blender is definitely possible. In fact, there are a few different ways to make it happen rather than just one. Have these tips in the back of your brain in case you ever need your fix while in a pinch!

1. Frother

The most common option for a blender substitute is a frother. These typically come as a handheld option that has a frothing mechanism at the bottom. For normal use, this allows you to move the frother in whatever direction needed to get the perfect style of frothing for your coffee. 

Add in your oil, butter, freshly brewed coffee, and start frothing! 

In this case, the frother should be evenly distributed through the entire cup to replicate blending in the best way. Start at the bottom of the cup, and slowly work your way up until you reach the top. Lastly, continue this process from the top of the cup to the bottom of the cup, and repeat until fully blended together. 

The biggest tip for this option is to have a larger cup to pour all of the ingredients into. If not, you’ll have a giant mess on your hands trying to froth your mixture in a smaller cup. 

2. Food Processor

Another option is a food processor. If you do have a food processor on hand and not a standard blender, then this is an alternative. Most of the time, this is not an option on hand over a blender, but it is a possibility. 

The only downside of this option is that it takes a bit to assemble each of the parts, and there is less froth than a blender or frother option. However, it is simple. Add in the ingredients and start the food processor, and voila! Simple enough. 

3. Mason Jar

Lastly, mason jars are a bit more of a handheld option if you are really in a bind. If you are without an electricity source or just scarce in the kitchen appliance options, then this is the answer. This option will take a few steps and some practice to perfect, so be patient and don’t be scared to come back here to double-check the step-by-step process. 

First, add your oil and butter to the jar like the other options. Put the jar with the two ingredients in the microwave to melt them evenly. Brew your coffee and add it to the mason jar. Next, the most important step. Twist the lid on tight. This is crucial to prevent a giant mess and the best results. Last, shake thoroughly. The faster the shake, the more froth there will be. However, this option is always going to have less froth than electric options no matter how hard the mason jar is shaken. 


Next time you are wanting to give bulletproof coffee a try, give one of these three options a try and decide if these are suitable options. If you love bulletproof coffee enough, it might be time for you to invest in a blender. However, in the meantime, these substitutes are suitable alternatives to give you great results to get your fix in. Your tasty breakfast alternative is waiting for you to enjoy, so get to brewing and blending!