How to Clean a Percolator Coffee Pot Like a Pro!

By Robert Parsons July 22, 2021

If you own a percolator coffee pot, you need to learn how to clean it like a pro. Doing so will maximize the lifespan of your device, giving you strong cups of coffee for many years to come. Cleaning it after every use will also ensure fresh brews that smell and taste great. 

Keep reading for a detailed step-by-step guide on how to clean a percolator.

Step-By-Step Guide 

You’ll be happy to know there isn’t a magic percolator cleaner. You can achieve great results using household products you probably already have somewhere in your home. The best part? Cleaning a percolator is very simple!

Begin by gathering the following materials: 

  • – Dish soap 
  • – White vinegar
  • – Baking soda 
  • – Hydrogen peroxide (optional) 
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Step 1: Consult Your Manual 

First things first, always consult your users manual as it will have some important information on how to clean your percolator. Incorrect cleaning can cause damage such as putting your percolator in the dishwasher when it’s not dishwasher safe. Other ways you can damage it is by using a scrubber that’s too rough. 

If you’ve lost your manual or tossed it, you can usually find cleaning instructions on the manufacturers website. However, regardless of the percolator you own, always use a soft washcloth. The last thing you want is removing the protective coating from your percolator. Not only will this affect the look, but it will also make it prone to rust and stains. 

Step 2: Wash With Vinegar 

White vinegar has been used for many years for cleaning purposes. This is because it doesn’t contain a coloring agent which means it won’t stain surfaces. Also, it has acidity similar to the levels found in many multipurpose cleaners. This is why you’ll find people using white vinegar to mop their floors, wipe down surfaces, among many other uses.

When it comes to percolators, vinegar will help remove mineral deposits that accumulate as you make coffee. To use, begin by removing everything from your pot. Make sure it’s free of any coffee grounds or filters. 

Fill your pot halfway with water and the other half with vinegar. This 50/50 solution will descale the inside without damaging the metal. Insert the basket, secure the lid, and start percolating. This will take 15-20 minutes so sit back, relax, and put on your favorite show while you wait. 

Once the time is up, unplug your device and pour out the mixture. Let your pot cool down, then wash it by hand using dish soap. 

Step 3: Add Water 

Next, dry the percolator and plug it in once more. Fill it up with water and turn it one. After it’s finished percolating, pour the water out and repeat this process. Brewing two pots of water will make sure no traces of vinegar are left. 

Step 4: Baking Soda Mix 

Technically, you can stop after step 3. However, if you want an even more thorough cleaning, there’s one more thing left to do. We recommend this next step if your percolator shows significant buildup. 

Drop two tablespoons of baking soda into your pot and add water. Let this solution sit for a few minutes. Afterwards, wash and rinse it. Remember to avoid any scrubbers or tools that are too rough and will scratch the percolator. 

Still see stains? It’s time to bring out the hydrogen peroxide. This will work as a mild bleach that helps remove stubborn buildup. Replace the water with half a cup of hydrogen peroxide (don’t forget the 2 tbsp of baking soda). Stir it for a minute and let it sit for half an hour. 

Pour it out, wipe your pot clean, and rinse using hot water. 

Tips to Keep Your Percolator Coffee Pot Clean 

Prevention is the best way to keep your pot in top-notch shape. Make your life easier by preventing hard to remove buildup. Here are some easy tips to follow: 

  • – Wash your percolator after each use. Yes, this means EVERY use. Empty the basket and rinse everything. It will only take a few minutes and you should do so as soon as your pot has cooled down. 
  • – Use regular dish soap. For best results, use a gentle detergent. Dry with a soft rag. Always avoid any harsh chemicals or cleaning products.
  • – Don’t overdo it. A little bit of staining or faint coffee smells is nothing to get alarmed about. This is part of the wear and tear process and is bound to happen if you’ve owned your coffee pot for some time. Overdoing the cleaning process can cause more harm than good.
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How Often Should You Clean Your Coffee Percolator? 

Clean your coffee pot after every use by rinsing everything and handwashing gently with dish soap. You want to deep clean your percolator every 3 months (more or less depending on how often you use it).

Signs It’s Time to Deep Clean Your Coffee Pot 

Signs that it’s time to deep clean your percolator should be pretty clear. For starters, if you use it every single day, you want to deep clean at least one time every 3 months. If you notice any strange smells,  see coffee buildup, or experience bitter tasting brews, chances are it’s time for a deep cleanse. 

Final Thoughts 

The way we care for appliances is an indicator of how long they will last. Proper maintenance includes knowing how to clean your percolator pot like a pro. We hope this guide has served you useful and you continue to enjoy fresh cups of joe!