How Much Does a Cup of Coffee Cost When I Brew at Home?

By Admin January 28, 2022

It’s safe to say that we all love coffee. However, most of us also love saving a dollar or two when possible, so where is the line to draw between the two? How far will you go to save when it comes to your beloved java? How much is coffee? Lucky for you, we are going to help you narrow that question down a bit by diving into the math of the average price of a cup of coffee at home versus at a cafe. 

Hopefully, this will help keep you motivated when you are feeling the craving for those $5 lattes rather than putting in an extra few minutes at home to make your own. Let’s jump in. 

Money Talks

While coffee has become a more excessively expensive treat with each year that passes, the demand is still rising. It’s safe to say that if you are in the coffee making business, you are doing pretty well for yourself. That being said, there is a pretty dramatic difference in numbers when comparing cafe prices and making it at home, so let’s do the math. 

First, decide what kind of coffee you are drinking. A standard cup of hot coffee won’t be the same price as a latte or cappuccino. It will take other supplies and machines at home to execute. We’ll go over each of these options. 

1. Drip Coffee

The most common java drink, drip is simple and cheap to make overall. That being said, it is a bit less expensive in a cafe, making the cup of coffee cost around $3.77 to be precise. When looked at face value, it doesn’t seem that excessive, but it can add up over time if you need a cup or two a day to get you up and running. 

Now, let’s compare this to a version made at home. First and foremost, you will need a drip coffee machine. These are very affordable, but there are loads of variations for better quality that can cost a bit more. Overall, the average cost comes to $50. There are some as cheap as $25 dollars however, so the choice is yours. You will also need some coffee grounds as well as milk and sugar if you prefer it in your coffee. Depending on the style and quality of your grounds, they can be more expensive or more affordable, so decide the level of price and flavor that works for you. That being said, you will need to drink around 15 coffees at home for your purchase to come out less than buying a cafe option. Any cost after that is going to be the price of your grounds only, which comes out to less than a dollar a cup. 

2. Latte

Lattes are another extremely popular option. This is a bit more complicated when it comes to the home cost versus a cafe option. Ordering a standard latte at a cafe, the cost comes to around $4.15. As any average, there are some outliers. Finding a hidden gem cafe, you can get a cheaper latte, or a fancier spot can come out to be more pricey. Regardless, the price is a bit higher than a standard coffee. 

Now, comparing this to the home version, you will need an espresso machine as well as some form of dairy. If you like flavor in your lattes such as caramel or vanilla, you will need to add some syrup as well. An espresso machine averages at $150. This is for an official espresso machine. However, you can also get pod options for less on average. Add in the milk, syrup, and espresso grounds to each cup, you need to drink around 38 cups to even out the cost to less than a cafe option. Then, the average cost comes to around $1. This is a bigger wait until you start profiting from the home option. 

3. Cappuccino

Lastly, cappuccinos are pretty similar to lattes as far as machinery. That being said, if you like to drink both of these, then you definitely have a more affordable option to try a home machine. On average a cappuccino comes to around $3. This is a bigger price cut than a latte, so there is a bit less pull towards the home version, however it will pay off eventually. 

You will need an espresso machine for this option as well, as well as milk. Following the same price points as above, it will take around 50 cappuccinos to start making money by trying a home option. That being said, unless you drink loads of cappuccinos, it may be smarter to buy your drink in store if you are a cappuccino only caffeine lover. Cappuccinos also takes a bit more skill when it comes to perfecting foam frothing to get your warm and creamy flavor you’re searching for.