How Much Caffeine in Cappuccino?

By Admin December 30, 2021

Cappuccinos are a classic coffee drink that get ordered more and more as the weather gets colder. This warm and fuzzy drink gives you a morning kick you need as well as providing a unique change from your everyday latte or iced coffee. However, have you ever wondered how much caffeine is in a cappuccino? Does a cappuccino have caffeine? Is this a highly caffeinated beverage or just a tad? We’re going to explore this question and get to the bottom of it. 

What is a Cappuccino? 

First and foremost, let’s talk about what makes a cappuccino to help determine the level of caffeine that is in one if any. A cappuccino is one of the many variations of an espresso drink. This typically takes barista level skills to make as the milk needs to be frothed to a certain one to get the well known cappuccino flavor. 

This can also be done with a home machine that has a cappuccino setting, but the basic ingredients are espresso and whole milk that is frothed to form the creamy consistency. This is a hot drink, but it can be made cold. Keep in mind, a cold cappuccino will not have the same tasty or consistency, so it might feel more like a latte than anything. 

Cappuccino Caffeine Content

Alright, now to answer the big question. What is a cappuccino’s caffeine content? To be broad, there is typically around 13 mg of caffeine per fluid ounce. Now for those who don’t know the measurements of caffeine off the top of their head, what does not number compare to? For reference, a standard cup of coffee typically has around 8-15mg of caffeine depending on the roasts of coffee grounds.

It’s important to note that this is for one fluid ounce. That means that the amount of each drink plays a large role in the overall caffeine intake. For example 8 ounces of drip coffee can be anywhere from 6-120mg of caffeine. Also, 8 ounces is considered quite small for a cup of joe. Typically, there are less ounces of a cappuccino than drip coffee, coming in around 5 to 5.5 ounces, making a cappuccino around 65-72mg of caffeine. That being said, a cappuccino is around the same amount if not less than a standard cup of joe. 

This fact might be shocking for some as the assumption is that anything with espresso is going to have much more caffeine than a standard drip beverage. However, this comes from misinformation more than anything. So for those who think choosing a cup of joe over a latte or espresso shot, we hate to break it to you, but you’re giving yourself possibly more caffeine than if you chose the latter. 

Caffeine Origins

So where does the caffeine in a cappuccino come from? It is all in the espresso. That being said, this number can vary wildly depending on if you get a standard cappuccino with one shot of espresso or up the dose to a double or even triple shot. As you might assume, the higher up you go in shots, the higher the caffeine content will be. 

One of the big benefits of a cappuccino compared to coffee or espresso shots is that the intensity is often masked by the frothy milk. This means that while there is still a decent amount of caffeine in the cup, it doesn’t seem like it. That can be a blessing and a curse for those who need a boost but aren’t a fan of bitterness. However, if you really enjoy cappuccinos, you can get jacked up on caffeine without even realizing by having one too many, and that can be an entirely different dilemma. Caffeine overdoses are something no one wants. 

Now that you have all the necessary information, you can make an education decision next time you stumble into your local coffee shop on a chilly morning, or begin brewing with your home java maker. Cappuccino or standard drip? The choice is solely up to you.