Cheese In Coffee? Kaffeost Explained

By Admin December 30, 2021

At Le French Press, we’re always open to new ideas when it concerns our morning brews. But what if this idea is adding cheese into our piping hot mugs of joe? 

We’ll admit that this ingredient goes with a lot of things, but coffee? 

In this guide, we’ll walk you through cheese coffee or, in more technical terms, Kaffeost. 

What is Kaffeost? 

Cheese in coffee originates from the Scandinavian region. Kaffeost is a Swedish word that literally means coffee and cheese. This beverage was developed as a way to bring out the rich, bold flavors of coffee and combine them with the creamy texture of cheese. 

The cheese used in this beverage is called leipäjuusto in Finnish. This translates to “bread cheese”; however, don’t let the name fool you (there is no bread involved). The name derives from the cheese’s ability to absorb liquid. It’s often known as Finnish squeaky cheese since it kind of squeaks a bit as you chew it. 

While it’s made from reindeer milk, you’ll have better luck finding cow’s milk bread cheese at your local grocery store. It tastes good on its own; however, its sweetness is what makes it so popular in coffee. 

How Does Cheese Alter Coffee Taste? 

We’ve heard of it on pasta, eggs, or crackers. However, it can be hard to wrap your mind around cheese in coffee. While this combination may seem strange, hundreds of people have already made it a staple in the way they drink joe. 

When you add it to hot coffee, it melts a little, letting out it’s unique flavor and transforming the texture of the brew. This ingredient acts in the way heavy cream would – it offers a smooth texture with a hint of sweetness. You can expect buttery to nutty-like flavors depending on the type you use.

What Cheese is Best for Kaffeost? 

Tried reindeer milk cheese and weren’t a big fan? There are alternatives we suggest you experiment with before you give up on Kaffeost completely. Not every cheese pairs well with coffee; however, the following are some safe choices to start off with.  

Here are some options to try: 

1. Sharp Cheddar 

If you’re going for a strong flavor, consider sharp cheddar in your shot of espresso. These two pair well since both have strong bodies. Both flavors bounce off each other, giving a taste that’s less strong, yet delectable. 

2. Aged Gouda 

If you’re a fan of gouda on your charcuterie board, you may be a fan of it in your coffee. Aged gouda won’t have as strong a flavor as sharp cheddar, softening the strength of coffee. If you’re going for lighter, sweeter tones, consider gouda. 

3. Brie Cheese

Brie is an all time favorite because of its creaminess. We recommend pairing it with a medium roast brew to get the most of the flavor. Don’t have brie in your fridge? Mozzarella is a great alternative as they both have that creamy consistency. 

How to Make Kaffeost

Ready to hop on the bandwagon and give Kaffeost a try? Begin by deciding on the strength you’re going for. For the strongest flavors, we suggest pairing espresso with sharp cheddar. For a medium strength, go with brie and a medium roast. And, if you’re going for a cup of joe with lighter tones, consider using aged gouda in your coffee. 

Here’s everything you need to know about making Kaffeost: 

  1. Begin by cutting your cheese into cubes. 
  2. Coat the bottom of your mug with it. Some people like to microwave it for a smoother taste, but that’s completely up to you. 
  3. Brew your coffee and pour the hot liquid over the cheese.
  4. If desired, add some milk or whipped cream to your brew. 
  5. Sip your coffee and eat the cheese. Enjoy!

Final Thoughts 

Don’t be surprised by how much you enjoy cheese in coffee. Personally, we were surprised at how much we liked Kaffeost and will absolutely be making it again. 

Curious to try other interesting concoctions and level up in your java game? Consider adding baking soda or eggshells to your mug of joe!